They were prolific - releasing 21 studio and live albums between 1976 and 1996 - and professional, typically cutting all of the basic tracks for one of those studio LPs in a matter of days. They were stubborn, a marvel of bulldog determination and cast-iron pride in a business greased by negotiation and compromise. And they were fun, rock n' roll's most reliable Great Night Out for nearly a quarter of a century. Which seems like a weird thing to say about about a bunch of guys for whom a show, in 1974 or '75, could be six songs in a quarter of an hour.
The Ramones were also first: the first band of the mid-'70's New York punk rock uprising to get a major-label contract and put an album out; the first to rock the nation on the road and teach the British how noise annoys; the first new American group of the decade to kick the smug, yellow-bellied shit out of a '60s superstar aristrocracy running on cocaine-and-caviar autopilot.
all, the Ramones were pop: stone believers in the Top 40 7-inch-vinyl songwriting aesthetic; a nonstop hit-singles machine with everything going for it - hammer-and-sizzle guitars and hallelujah choruses played at runaway-Beatles-velocity - except actual hits. According to an August 1975 article in England's Melody Maker about the crude, new music crashing through the doors of a former country-and-bluegrass bar in lower Manhattan named CBGB, the local press was already hailing the Ramones as - get this - "potentially the greatest singles band since the Velvet Underground." A peculiar compliment since the Velvets' own few 45s were all crushing radio bombs.
there was one thing you could never, ever say about the Ramones: that they were dumb. In their time, in their brilliantly specialized way, the Ramones - the founding four of Johnny (guitar), Joey (voice), Tommy (drums), and Dee Dee (bass); along with Marky, who spent 15 years and 11 albums behind the drums beginning with "Road To Ruin" and who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame along with the original four; - later followed by CJ, who stepped out of the Marine Corps and into Dee Dee's king-sized sneakers in 1989; and Richie, who kept the beat while Marky was on hiatus between '83 and '87 - were the sharpest band on the planet. Fully evolved as musicians and songwriters. Confident in their power and the importance of what they had...... from ramones.com
Saya suka musik yang dibawkan oleh Johny,Tomy,Dee dee, dan Joey dengan penampilan jeans sobek,T-shirt ketat,sepatu kets tinggi,rambut berponi,dan jaket kulit hitam.-Karena mereka bermain apa adanya dengan kemampuan terbatas .Mereka lebih suka irama cepat daripada kerumitan.. Kepercayaan Ramones itulah yang membuatku kagum yaitu selalu percaya terhadap kemandirian melalui bermusik.Musik mereka tidah marah meskipun tegas dan energik.Ramones menegaskan bahwa “Jika dia bisa... kenapa kamu tidak bisa !!!! Yang penting tegar dan mulai dengan hitungan empat” : ONE,TWO,THREE,FOUR,.....!!!!!
Ramones termasuk salah satu influence buat saya. Mereka mengilhami saya menghadapi suatu masalah,melihat sudut pandang yang berbeda.Ramones juga telah banyak mempengaruhi musik musik sekarang seperti : GreenDay, RHCP,Metallica,Marlyn Manson,dan masih banyak lagi. Terbukti mereka membawakan lagu-lagu Ramones dengan cara mereka masing-masing didalam suatu “ a atribut Ramones Family”.
Itulah hebatnya Ramones ..
Bagaimana dengan kamu ???
Siapa Influence kamu ????
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